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Archive for the tag “Crystals”

Crystal Light

These are three crystal I was drawn to today and there Properties
Mystical Properties: Rainbow Moonstone stimulates awareness of the cycle of life, the ups and downs, the ebb and flow; that nothing is permanent. Represents new beginnings and the ending of a cycle. Nurtures feminine energies, feminine cycles and emotional intuition.
Protects the traveller and brings good luck. Removes obstacles and offers guidance on ones spiritual path.
Is calming, compassionate and balancing. Stimulates self expression, and releases deeply held emotional blockages.

Mystical Properties:
Fuchsite helps us to understand issues concerning our daily lives; such as stress, physical health, routines, career and environment. It brings about a need to focus on basic concerns directly related to interactions with other people and the material world. Fuchsite channels information regarding holistic and herbal remedies, giving suggestions as to the most holistic action to take and receiving guidance on health matters and well-being.

Psychologically, Fuchsite teaches true self-worth, assisting in the elimination of a tendency towards martyrdom or issues of servitude. Fuchsite helps to overcome codependency and aids in a speedy recovery from trauma, both emotionally and physically.

Fuchsite increases the energy of other crystals and helps in the transfer of their energy. It shifts energy into positive channels, therefore releasing blockages caused by excess energy. Fuchsite stabilises spinal column alignment and increases flexibility in the musculoskeletal system. It treats repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome and also aids in balancing the red and white blood cell ratio.

Mystical Properties
Hypersthene include its ability to stimulate answers to problems. It combats irritability and helps one to stand his own-ground in difficult situation. It gives that strength and faith within to achieve higher success.

It also helps in improving business and personal relationships. It helps in guiding to a path of success with unlimited opportunities. Abates tensions from wearer’s minds and keeps minds cool and free from tensions.

It is considered to be a great problem solver and helps to gets you rid of being judgmental. It also allows to visualize true morality hidden in us, and act accordingly so that everything ends up in a positive note.

It also allows situations to get resolved by them in a natural way. It also discourages obnoxious self-ego and gives strength to stand for righteousness.

Candle and Things

It’s been a lot harder then I thought, to get back on my path and not sway from the reality that I truly want for myself, but I’m getting there and I know that I will get there.
My ego has been ruining me, Telling me just be a vegetarian, vegetarian is all good and it’s easier when your out with friends it’s too hard to get vegan meals, and I’ve been told by friends that they feel bad that they can’t feed me or give me treats, which makes me feel sad they feel that way. After work I find myself going strait to a daily and buying chips and creaming soda’s and watching a movie then I feel like shit so I don’t feel like cooking dinner, I feel so tired and I haven’t had the energy to fight my ego lately, everything I want has felt like it has been slipping away from me and I was trapped in an empty soul sucking spiral and I didn’t know if I’ld ever find my way out and back to my reality.
It’s awesome that a little thing like stopping off at Candle and Things could help me out so much, I walked around the shop for a bit and then I was drawn to three crystals
The First, Black Onyx– Strength giving. Helps change bad habits, grounding stone, aids concentration and devotion. Aids fears and worries. Deflects and destroys negative energy sent by others.
The Second, Sunstone-This stone is used to clear and energize all the chakras. If life has lost it’s sweetness, Sunstone restores it and help you nurture yourself,allowing the real self to shine out. Beneficial for aches and pains and self-healing.
The Third, Tourmalinated Quartz– Quartz and Tourmaline. An effective grounding stone, strengthens the body’s energy field aginst external invasion and deflects bad environmental influences. Releases all tension. This stone harmonizes and turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones. It is an effective problem solver. Harmonizes meridians and the chakras.
When I read that I was ruined (in a good way) I thought to myself that these three crystal that I had brought were perfect for what I need right now, to heal myself.
Oh thats reminds me, on the 13th the day before I went To Hamilton I was looking at books on Fishpond and I came across a book I never heard of before and I was drawn to it so I bought it, it was call Chakra Meditation: Discover Energy, Creativity, Focus, Love, Communication, Wisdom and Spirit By Swami Saradananda, I can’t wait to read it I know it going to be so good for me, because I have never been drawn to a book like this before so I know it’s what i need right now.

Love, Peace and Light
James Brown


Tanz gave me a beautiful Rainforest Jasper that she had but never worn, I looked up the crystal to find that it is the perfect Crystal for me at the moment. I’ve been drawn back to Nature and Mother Earth, and I feel in my heart been back in nature and surround by beautiful green life is home for me and Rainforest Jasper will help me in my journey to be Consciously at home and to never loses or forget about home again.

Here are some Metaphysical Properties of Rainforest Jasper:
Rainforest Jasper connects one with the heart of nature. It teaches us that as humans we are not separate from animals, plants or minerals and that we a part of a planetary consciousness. When we sometimes feel lost in this world of technology wearing or carrying rainforest jasper reminds us to feel joy at our existence. It assists us in recalling our purpose on this earth whilst helping us to see that we must treat our fellow human beings and all other forms of life with respect, for each has its role in the greater plan. This stone brings balance to the body as it works on changing the habits which are detrimental to ones wellbeing. It opens an individuals heart to the wonder of life and the dance of creation, only then, when we can feel the rhythm of nature, can we find balance within ourselves. Rain forest jasper contains the spiritual teachings of nature and is often used during earth healing rituals. Its healing energy strengthens the physical body and calms the emotions. It also has the ability to restore ones faith, creating a vibration of love and peace. It provides a channel through which to contact nature spirits and devic beings if desired, allowing them to work in harmony with the individual towards a state of healing and perfection as it manifests pure natural energy. In a healing capacity in has been used to detoxify the body and alleviate feelings of grief and depression. As with other jaspers it can also be worn for protection.

Magical stone

Yesterday after my washed morning, I went to Crystal Light to get myself a Turquoise Pendant because that is what I thought I needed, but I held the stone and I felt nothing so I came to relies that this stone was not what I needed, Then I became drawn to this crystal that I haven’t seen before it was beautiful I asked Matin what it was, I found out it is a “Merlinite”. When I held the crystal and closed my eyes I saw my self laying on a bed made out of rock, and this man who look like an old shaman was healing me.
This is some of what I have found out about this awesome stone:

Attributes of Merlinite:
Merlinite is a magical stone that holds the imprint of the combined knowledge of shamans, alchemists, magician-priests, and other workers of magic. Its dual coloring blends the spiritual and earthly vibrations together, giving access to the spiritual and shamanic realms. This stone supports shamanic practices or magical ritual. It facilitates reading the Akashic Record, inducing travel into past or future lives to gain insight on how to live life in the future. Merlinite can bring magic into your life.
Healing: Merlinite can be used for past-life healing and to bring harmony into the present life. It balances yin-yang and masculine and feminine energies, conscious and subconscious, intellect and intuition. Wear around the neck or place behind the ears to access past lives.

Metaphysical Properties of Merlinite: (another site I looked at)
Merlinite both promotes our levels of contact with spirit and also aids our own spiritual growth. Merlinite is a stone of magic, conjuring the memories of wizards and alchemists. It is said to blend heavenly and earthly vibrations, allowing one access to multiple realms. It can be used to access the akashic records, to draw upon the powers of the elements, to enhance shamanic practices, and to bring magic into one’s life. Merlinite can help us to remain both open and approachable even though we may have suffered from bad experiences ourselves. It promotes better contact with our environment and with our fellow human beings too. Merlinite can also enhance our organisational capabilities. Merlinite has been used in the treatment of skeletal structures and disorders of the veins and arteries. Promotes physical growth and to facilitate the flow of blood through the body. It is a cleansing mineral for the body and one which can enhance lymph flow and excretion. It also helps with both the effects of colds and the effects of smoking too.

I need a little Magic in my life at times, I leaved Crystal Light feeling so much better within myself and I knew the night would only get better for me, I put my ego back in its box!

Turquoise Pendant

I was looking into my star sign Sagittarius and was blown away again with what I found out.
I started out looking up Sagittarius male profiles and 90% of what they were say was true for me and yes again I was looking up “the best match for Sagittarius” ha. Anyway, I’l give you some details and then go into the topic that was the reason why I’m writing this blog at 12:30 at night.

Sagittarius. Nov 23-Dec21
Symbol – The Archer
Element – Fire
Planet – Jupiter
Lucky Colour – Blue and Purple
Lucky Stone – Turquoise
Lucky Day – Thurday
Lucky Number – Five

There some details about Sagittarius for you, but the main reason I’m writing this is my Lucky Stone aka Birthstone which is Turquoise so I looked up Turquoise to find out the Metaphysical Properties which you will find at, (the site would let me copy and paste) please have a good read of that site, because I believe this is a stone I have needed for a very long time, so next Thurday I plan to go to Crystal light and see if I can find a Turquoise pendant that I’m drawn to, even if I have to fast for a few days because I have no money for food.

How I got into Crystals

I first started to get into crystals on the 27th Nov 2009 Richard, Nick and I drove up to Auckland to see Peal Jam Live and we stayed at City’s place were Maria was staying, I saw a clear quartz crystal on City’s computer desk and I thought it look cool and wanted to get one, Then three days later I started to research crystals on the net, I got blown away by what I learnt about all the diffenct healing properties of each of the crytals that are out there. This is the first bit of information I read on crystal. “Crystals are part of the earth itself and of nature. They are comprised of quartz and silica, which are also a major component of the human body. Like colour, crystals also emit a vibrational frequency, which matches the electromagnetic field of both the earth and it’s human occupants.” After reading that, I haven’t look back.

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