Browncow81's Blog

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Making Dreams

What to made of them. A lot of time I have very vivid dreams, a couple a weeks a go I woke up in my bed (or so I thought) and I couldn’t move and I could feel something pulling on my right foot I was made by it and then I woke up (again so I thought) and I thought sweet I’m glad that’s over and then the next thing I know I feel something pulling on my right foot again I was fully made, this happen about three or four times until I woke up for real. I dislike thous types of dreams when you think your awake but your not. I remember at Christmas last year I was at my parents place in Hamilton and I had a little nap before I caught up with my friends, I sleep face down in the bed and I woke up and my body was numb and I tried to move but I couldn’t then I woke up ha! and my body was numb and I tried to get up and couldn’t this happen about four or five times the last couple of times I could hear my friend at the door talking to my family and so I really tried to get up and I did get up but my body was so numb that I keep on falling over, over and over again I felt I needed to get to the door but I couldn’t I tried and tried but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t.

Which bring me to last nights dream or I was a wake and my mind was fucking with me I actually don’t know, it’s hard to explain what happen I can only tell you what I felt.
It was like I was on mushroom’s or LSD (which was making because I didn’t do any drugs or smoked weed that night) and I didn’t know what was real anymore, by that I mean my life, is my life real or am I someone else’s charter in there dream and they have an imagination so vivid that I think that I’m real, I remember One part when I went to a friends place and I was talking about my shaman ayahuasca retreat but I didn’t know if I was actually there or still in the shaman tent at the retreat imaging that I was at my friends place talking to them about my shaman ayahuasca retreat, I felled at peace but at the same time I felt like I was trapped in a mushroom trip that will never ever end.
There was more to it then that but that’s all I can get down on paper.
Will add to this if I remember more.

I remember that when I was at my friends place talking my shaman ayahuasca retreat, that I know longer had any urge to smoke cigarets or do any type of drug again

The Shaman Lady part two


The shaman lady was asking me some questions and I told her about my love for crystals and she said crystals ard very powerful beings and she said I should try sitting with a rock first and see what I get from rocks.
Ever since then I’ve found myself working with or surround by rocks it’s quiet amazing I feel like for the first time I understand rocks as a living been instead of a object.
I find rock to be very interesting beens. I now have a circle of rocks with a candle, crystals, shells and leaves in the middle of it.
The home work the shaman lady gave me was to gather some rock in a circle and place what ever I wanted inside the circle (asking the rocks and the other things I wanted to put into the circle if I can use them first) and then open sacred space and sit with it for awhile and see what come to me.
I have not sat with it yet but I think that is because I haven’t finished setting up the circle yet, but once I have fully set it up and I’m happy with it I will do this.
Also the shaman lady said to me that it was very easy to balance my chakras and that the only thing that was holding me back was my fear. She also said that I have a very good intuition and I need to trust in it and follow my intuition.

The Shaman Lady part one

I went to see Deborah Lowen a shaman healer, before the healing she asked me lots of questions like, why did I come to see her? What did I want to get out of the healing? And so on, each time I answered her question she questioned my answer, she was trying to get me to dig deeper to the real answer.
She asked me how I was feeling, then asked me how I wanted feel, I wasn’t sure how to answer her, so she put it into a metaphor for me so it would be easier for me to answer, the metaphor she use was, If I was a river what would it be like? And, what do I what my river to look like, what’s around my river? I told her that my river is calm on the serface but underneth was a strong current putting me the wrong way. Then I told her how I wanted my river to be, It would be a calm on the serface and calm underneth and it would have long grass all around it and big tall trees that were filled with animals. She seemed taked back by my second answer. After that she got me to pick a rock and to think of how my river is like now and then blow into the rock three times, and she told me that she will use the rock to help heal me. Deborah (the shaman lady) and I open sacred space together which was quiet beautiful then she told me to lay down on the bed and she placed a blanket over my legs and waist. Deborah placed the rock that I blow into on my Sacral chakra, then sat at the top of my head with her hands on the sides of my head and begain to heal me.
I layed there with my eyes closed and nothing really seemed to happen at first but then I started to see a black and musted colour clouds a pairing and disapairing and a little later she placed her hands on my shoulders and said that it was done and I felt energy go though my lips and down my throt it was a crazy sensation. After a min or two I got up slowly and I feel like a new man I couldn’t help but smile my head was clear and I just felt good.
We talked for a little while and then we closed sacred space.

My garden of eden

I’ve alway wanted a grassy backyard and a garden of my own, but I was sad that I couldn’t afford a place that had one. Now I know it was just my limited mind/my limited thinking was the only thing that was holding me back from my dream of having what I wanted.
After talking to my neighbour Tori about want I wanted she gave me some ideas of what I could do about it and then everything started to fall into place, Later I made a start on my dream and I started to dig out the shrubs next to my car, I got a quarter of it and call it a day. I few weeks later I was talking to Tori and we ended up digging out all the shrubs I didn’t want, it was starting to look really good, a week later I started to dig out the corner for my garden and Tori came by we talked about what I was going to do and she gave me a hand with it and we started collecting rocks to make the two tear garden hours later we were finished and it was looking awesome. Later she hook me up with some free garden bark (fine bark) though our landlords gardener and the gardener also is going to sew the grass seed for me.
(To give you an idea of what it use to look like the green plant by the tree came right up to my car.)

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So I’ll finely have my grassy backyard and a garden of my own, there a little bit to go like buying some plants and planting them and waiting for the grass to grow
but it will be worth the wait.

The family

I went to Coromandel Cacti’s on Saturday with friends, was overwhelmed by all the Cacti’s, it was like the feeling I get when I go to Crystal Light. I was just overwhelmed and drained by all the energy from thousands of Cacti’s it ruin me (but in a good way.)
I ended up get two Cacti’s they are:
Pachypodium Horombense and Euphorbia Enopla

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They are amazing plants so beautifull and have so much character and so much to teach me I just need to be receptive to there teachings, listen, learn and not forget the amazing knowledge they have to offer me.
I’ll keep them safe and they will give me all the knowledge I will ever need

Love Peace and Light

Sara Books 1-3

I’ve just finished reading the Sara books, now to apply them to my life.
They are beautifully written books and I’ve learned so much from them.
To see the good in everything and not to focus on the bad,
to leave you heart open and let the universe (life) flow though you
and nothing but good will fall into your path,
the path of eternal happiness.
There is no death just more life
“everything is good here”

A lesson from a Snell

I was out in front of my house about 9:30 at night having a smoke in the rain under a tree. I saw a Snell moving slowly along the walk path and it just come to me, we can learn so much from a Snell. The Snell was moving so slowly and peacefuly.
If we all lived our life’s like this Snell we would all be able to take in all our surroundings, be present in all we do every second of our day, we would take in all that mother earth has give use to enjoy NOT for us to destroy, we live in a truly beautiful world but it could be so much more.
We need to stop this fast pace world we have all created, we DO need to stop and smell the rose’s, be present instead of rushing around not stopping to say hi and snapping at thous who do.
If we all stop rushing around we can take time to do the importion thing in life like being with loved one and growing our own food and taking the time to perpair a heathy meal and we would have the time to make the things we need in life.
Taking you time would do away with unhealthy fast foods and mass production which are killing us and our mother earth!
This is what came to me by seeing a Snell, it bring to mind a Weezer song were he sang “they are all bugs but they are my friends” and who do we learn from the most?
Our Friends!

Love, peace and light       

Home sweet home

I moved into my new home on the 25 Feb 2011, it is a one bedroom studio flat, it has an office, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and a laundry outside. It’s an awesome little place. I’ve brought most of the things I need to set my home, just waiting on the landlord to get an electric cook tops for the kitchen so I can start cooking real dinner. I am over eating noodles and toast for dinner.
I did buy an electric cook tops but I found out when I got it, that it had to be mounted to the bench, then two days ago I found out because of fire hazard I can’t mount it in my kitchen, so I will have to sell it on trademe, Investment my Broadband is up and running which I hope is soon cause using the net on my phone is a pain in the ass.
It’s awesome not having to get up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for work, I can get up at 7:30 and still be 10mins early for work, it’s awesome being 1mins walk away from work!
Thou I still wake up at 6:30 in the morning, damn body clock, and I’ve found myself going to bed early 9:30 most night, unlike my old sleeping patterns of going to bed at 11-12. So I’m getting a good nights rest now, just need to get the electric cook top so I can eat healther, and I’ll be set.            

House Hunting

House Hunting, It’s a world unknown to me until now, I’ve been lucky enough in the past that all my flats have fallen into my lap and also lucky I’ve flatted with friends but thats about to change and I think it’s a good change a good way to grow within myself, I’ve decided to live by myself a home to call my own, I don’t want to live with randoms, and it will be awesome to live in my own home instead of living in some one else’s. I’m going to an open home on saturday and it feels right I don’t want to get my hope up but it feels like the right place for me, but I will find that out for sure once I see the place and feel the vibe of the house. One thing for sure I’m set on finding my own home, a place to call my own.


I’ve just finished putting up the last lot of things on Trademe that I no long want or need to have, it been a long process to weed out all the unnecessary things in my life. The last month or so I’ve been selling, giving away and throwing out shit, I say “shit” because if I don’t what it or need it or use it, then it’s just shit laying around the house, Who whats shit laying around their house? I sure as hell don’t! I what a clean home a home with a good environment an awesome feel to it that everyone feels when they walk though the door, I feel every home should feel like that.

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